Leider mussten Incubus nun alle noch anstehenden Konzerte der „If Not Now, When?„-Tour absagen, das heißt, auch der Gig, der am Sonntag in Frankfurt auf dem Programm stand, wird entfallen! Nicht nur Brandon hat es mit einer Kehlkopfentzündung erwischt,Mike musste sogar ins Krankenhaus!
Get well soon!!!!
Lest das Statement der Band:
„We regret to inform our Incubus fans in Amsterdam, Luxemburg, and Frankfurt that the concerts scheduled for this weekend are cancelled. As most of you know, we had to cancel 2 shows earlier this week because Brandon lost his voice with laryngitis and now Mikey got very ill and had to go the hospital. He is going to be fine but the doctors have recommended that he not play any more concerts. We will do our best to reschedule the dates in 2012. For those of you who have paid for MYF Meet and Greet Packages we will be contacting you shortly to arrange for refunds. The band appreciates the support of all their fans and apologizes for the inconvenience and disappointment caused by the cancellations.“